Tiếng Anh

Centre for Natural Resources and Environemntal Studies (CRES), 2004. Mangrove ecosystem in the Red River coastal zone: Biodiversity, ecology, socio-economics, management and education. MERD/CRES/NEF. Agricultural Publishing House, Ha Noi.

CRES, 2005. 20 year – Centre for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies. Science and Technology Publishing House. Ha Noi.

CRES, 2005. Selected scientific works. Science and Technology Publishing House. Ha Noi.

Cruz, R.V., H. Harasawa, M. Lal, S. Wu, Y. Anokhin, P. Batima, Y. Honda, M. Jafari, C. Li and Nguyen Huu Ninh, 2007. Asia. Climate change 2007: Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Contribution of working group II to the fourth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change. M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson (Eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK: 469-506.

Nguyen, Manh Ha (2009). International wildlife trade in Vietnam: an overview and management recommendations. Transboundary Resources and Environment in Mainland Southeast Asia. J. Sato (ed.). Kyoto, Shoukadoh: 61-73.

Nguyen Manh Ha (2009). The status of Vulnerable gaur Bos gaurus and Endangered banteng Bos javanicus in Ea So Nature Reserve and Yok Don and Cat Tien National Parks, Vietnam, Oryx, 43(1), 129-135.

Bleisch, B., Geissmann,T., Manh Ha, N., Rawson, B. & Timmins, R.J. 2008. Nomascus leucogenys. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.1. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 23 March 2010

Nguyen Manh Ha (2008). Some data on food of gaur Bos Gaurus H. Smith, 1927 (Artiodactyla: Bovidae) in Vietnam. Journal of Biology, 30(2): 27-34 (in Vietnamese).

Nguyen Manh Ha (2007). A Second Survey of White cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys Ogilby, 1840) in Dak Rong Nature Reserve, Quang Tri province. Vietnamese Journal of Primatology 1(1): 30-35.

Nguyen Manh Ha (2006). Some Observations on the Hatinh langur, Trachypithecus laotum hatinhensis (Dao, 1970), in North Central Vietnam. Primate Conservation, 21: 149-154.

Thach Mai Hoang, Nguyen Manh Ha (2005). Survey on wild bovines (Bovidae spp.) in Bu Gia Map National Park (Binh Phuoc province) and Nam Nung Nature Reserve (Dak Nong province). Journal of Science, XXI(4): 103-107.

Nguyen Thanh Ha, Rejii Yoneda, Ikuo Ninomiya, Ko Hadara, Dao Van Tan, Mai Sy Tuan and Phan Nguyen Hong, 2004. The effects of stand-age and inundation on carbon accumulation in mangrove plantation soil in Nam Dinh, Northern Vietnam. Tropics. Volume 14, Issue 1: 21-38.

Truong Quang Hoc, Pham Binh Quyen and Hoang Van Thang, 2005. Biodiversity of the typical ecological region Quang Binh and Quang Tri. VNU Journal of Science, Nat. Sci. Tech. T.XXI, No.4: 9-14.

Truong Quang Hoc, 2006. Education for sustainable development. Hanoi forum on the XXIth century education, Ha Noi.

Truong Quang Hoc, 2006. Environmental education initiatives at Vietnam National University, Hanoi. UNESCO/Japan seminar on environmental education, Tokyo, October 2-5.

Truong Quang Hoc et al., 2006. Biodiversity – Human wellbeing linkage (a case study in DaKrong District, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam). The International workshop on biodiversity – Human wellbeing linkage, Costa Rica, 2005 (Lecture).

Truong Quang Hoc, 2007. Biodiversity and climate change – General issues. ISGE Newsletter. MONRE, Volume 8, May: 1-2.

Truong Quang Hoc and Per Bertilson, 2007. On criteria and indicators of a friendly environmental city. National workshop on building Da Nang – An environmental city, Da Nang, November.

Truong Quang Hoc, Per Bertilsson and Jonas Noven, 2007. Integrating climate change adaptation issues into land-use planning and related progresses in Vietnam. Proceedings of the worshop “Climate change adaptation in development policies, plans and programms in Vietnam, Ha Noi, October 22 (Organized by MONRE, ICEM, SEMLA and IIED).

Truong Quang Hoc and Vo Thanh Son, 2007. Interaction between climate change biodiversity and sustainable development. Proceedings of the international biodiversity day conference on climate change, Ha Noi.

Truong Quang Hoc, 2008. Linkage between biodiversity and climate change in Vietnam. Proceedings of the 2nd Vietnam-Japan symposium on climate change and the sustainability, November, Vietnam. National University Press. Ha Noi: 53-58.

Truong Quang Hoc and Per Bertilsson, 2008. The SEMLA programme’s activities on response to climate change. Proceedings of the third international conference on Vietnamese studies, Ha Noi, December 4-7.

Truong Quang Hoc and Tran Hong Thai, 2008. Climate change and sustainable development in Vietnam. Proceedings of the 2nd Vietnam-Japan symposium on climate change and the sustainability, Vietnam, November. National University Press. Ha Noi: 19-26.

Phan Nguyen Hong (Ed.), 2006. The role of mangrove and coral reef ecosystems in natural disaster mitigation and coastal life improvement. Agricultural Publishing House, Ha Noi: 385 p.

Phan Nguyen Hong and Vu Doan Thai, 2006. The role of mangrove in mitigating natural disasters. The 6th genaral seminar of the core university program. Environmental science and technology for sustainability of Asia, October 2-4. Kumamoto University, Japan: 135-142.

Phan Nguyen Hong, Phan Ke Loc, Nguyen Tien Hiep, Vu Thuc Hien and Quan Thi Quynh Dao, 2007. Some characteristics of flora and vegetation in Vietnam. In: Le Dung (Chief Ed.). Proceedings international conference “Development of Ho Chi Minh City Museum of Natural History”, Ho Chi Minh City, September 12-15: 40-69.

Iverson, J.B., R.M. Brown, T.S. Akre, T.J. Near, Le Duc Minh, R.C. Thomson and D.E. Starkey, 2007. In search of the tree of life for turtles. Chelonian conservation and biology. In: H.B. Shaffer, N.N. FitzSimmons, A. Georges and A.G.J. Rhodin (Eds.). Defining turtle diversity: Proceedings of a workshop on genetics, ethics, and taxonomy of freshwater turtles and tortoises. Chelonian Research Monographs 4: 85-106.

Kizirian, D., S. Bayefsky-Anand, A. Eriksson, Le Duc Minh and M.A. Donnelly, 2008. A new species of Petracola and re-description of P. ventrimaculatus (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae). Zootaxa 1700: 53-62.

Phan Van Mach, Phan Ngoc Diep and Le Xuan Tuan, 2007. Status of environment in Nai lagoon, Ninh Thuan Province. In: Vu Quang Con (Chief Ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd national scientific conference on ecology and biological resources, Ha Noi, October 26. Agricultural Publishing House: 497-502.

Phan Van Mach and Le Xuan Tuan, 2007. Status of environment in some aquaculture water bodies in Ha Tinh Province. In: Vu Quang Con (Chief Ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd national scientific conference on ecology and biological resources, Ha Noi, October 26. Agricultural Publishing House: 503-507.

Martin, M., E. Naro-Maciel, Le Duc Minh, N.N. FitzSimmons and G. Amato, 2007. A phylogeny for marine turtles. 3rd International conservation genetics symposium, New York.

Mika Nomura, Dao Van Tan, Hatthaya Arunothayanan, Erika Asamizu, Satoshi Tabata, Hiroshi Kouchi and Shigeyuki Tajima, 2008. The 5-end expressed sequence tags of Lotus japonicus. Plant Biotechnology, 25: 173-175.

Le Duc Minh, 2007. Conservation of turtles in Vietnam – A survey of Cat Tien National Park. Oryx 41: 544-547.

Le Duc Minh, W.P. McCord and J.B. Iverson, 2007. On the paraphyly of the Genus kachuga (Testudines: Geoemydidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 45: 398-404.

Naro-Maciel E., Le Duc Minh, N.N. FitzSimmons and G. Amato, 2007. Evolutionary relationships of sea turtles: A molecular phylogeny based on nuclear genes. 27th sea turtle symposium, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Nguyen Huu Ninh, 2007. Climate change adaptation and disaster risk management in Vietnam. Presented paper at IDRC/CRES workshop on climate change: Adaptation and implication. Ha Noi, Vietnam, November 28.

Nguyen Huu Ninh, 2007. Flooding in Me Kong River Delta, Vietnam. UNDP human development report 2007/2008, Paper No.2007/53: 24 p.

Nguyen Huu Ninh, 2007. Linking clmate change adaptation and disaster risk management at coastal zone: Vietnam case. Paper presented at UNITAR workshop on sea and human security. Hiroshima, Japan, October 14-19.

Nguyen Huu Ninh, 2007. Study report on linking climate change adaptation and disaster risk management for sustainable poverty reduction in Vietnam. Presented paper at the national workshop on climate change and disaster management in Vietnam, Ha Noi, Vietnam, November 22.

Nguyen Huu Ninh, 2007. Vulnerability, adaptation and resilience to climate change in Vietnam: Capacity needs. Paper presented at START/SARCS/SEI workshop on vulnerability, adaptation and resilience to climate risks: an assessment of education and training capacities and needs in Southeast Asia, Chiang Mai, Thailand, April 1-3.

Nguyen Huu Ninh et al., 2007. Survey on resource use and economics valued entire area of coral reefs and seagrass beds in Phu Quoc island. Report to UNEP/GEF project entitled reversing environmental degradation trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand.

Nguyen Huu Ninh, 2008. Climate change: Past, present and future trend. Paper presented at the workshop on global climate change and adaptation solutions for Vietnam. Vietnam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment (VASNE), Ha Noi, Vietnam, February 26-29.

Nguyen Huu Ninh, 2008. Climatic variability and hazards. Paper presented at the 4th global conference on oceans, coasts, and islands, Ha Noi, Vietnam, April 7-11.

Nguyen Huu Ninh, 2008. World research results on global climate change. Paper presented at the MARD’s workshop toward an action plan for climate change Mitigation and adaptation in agriculture and development sector, Ha Noi, Vietnam, January 11.

Nguyen Huu Ninh, Luong Quang Huy, Le Thi Tuyet, Cao Thi Phuong Ly and Nguyen To Uyen, 2008. The role of biodiversity in climate change mitigation in Vietnam: Red river estuary: Ba Lat case study. Paper presented at the international conference on biodiversity and climate change in Soueasth Asia: Adaptation and mitigation, SEARCA/ABC, Manila, Philippines, February 19-20.

Dao Van Tan, Mika Nomura, Rie Hamaguchi, Kensuke Kato, Manabu Itakura, Kiwamu Minamisawa, Suphawat Sinsuwongwat, Hoa Thi Phuong Le, Takakazu Kaneko, Satoshi Tabata and Shigeyuki Tajima, 2008. NAD-malic enzyme affects nitrogen fixation activity of B. japonicum USDA 110 bacteroids in soybean nodules. Microbes and Environments, Vol.23, Issue 3 (in press).

Thomas Sikor and Pham Thi Tuong Vi, 2005. The dynamics of commoditization in a Vietnamese uplands village 1980-2000. Journal of Agrarian Change. Vol.5, No.3, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres: 405-428.

Dao Minh Truong, Yasuyuki Kono and Masayuki Yanagisawa, 2005. Dynamics of land cover-land use in villages of the Vietnam northern mountain region: Impacts of human activities. International Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol.1, No.1.

Le Xuan Tuan, Mai Thi Hang and Phan Nguyen Hong, 2006. Integrated management of coastal areas: Some initial results of research in Thai Thuy District, Thai Binh Province. Workshop on “Finalization of the projects vs-rde: Management tools of coastal environment for sustainable development”, Nha Trang, May 5-7.

Vo Quy, 2005. The attack of agent orange on the environment in Vietnam and its consequences. Paper presented at international conference on agent orange/dioxin, Paris, March: 10 p.

Vo Quy, 2005. We must stop as soon as possible global warming. Paper presented at the Session III, Part 2 on the subject of “Transfer as well as collaborative research”, GEA International Conference in Tokyo, Japan, October.

Vo Quy, 2007. Essay, preserving the environment: Our responsibility, our interest. In: A better future for the planet earth. Vol.III. Lectures by the winners of the Blue Planet Prize (2002-2006). The Asahi Glass Foundation, Japan.

Vo Quy, 2007. Recliming landscape affected by agent orange/dioxin spraying during the war: A serious environmental challenge of Vietnam development. In: Human and environmental impact of herbicides/dioxin in Vietnam. Selected short papers Office 33.

Vo Thanh Son, 2008. Biodiversity assessment and modeling: Overview in the world and implication in Vietnam. In: Janpan-Vietnam geoinformatics consurtium (JVGC). Proceedings of international symposium on geo-informatics for spatial-infrastructure development in earth and allied sciences, Ha Noi, Vietnam, December 4-6. JVGC Technical Document No.4: 345-350.