Marianne Levitsky was founding President of Workplace Health Without Borders, a non-profit organization that engages volunteers in promoting occupational health for workers everywhere.  A senior associate with ECOH, an Ontario consulting firm, she was previously Director, Prevention Best Practices in the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), an occupational hygienist with the Ontario Ministry of Labour, and a co-founder of the Toronto Workers’ Health and Safety Legal Clinic. She is adjunct faculty at the University of Toronto, was a member of the Toronto Board of Health, and has been appointed to the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Scientific Advisory Table. Marianne has received the Hugh Nelson award for excellence in occupational hygiene from the Occupational Hygiene Association of Ontario and the Yant Award from AIHA. She has served as chair of the AIHA International Affairs Committee, delivered the 2020 Jeffrey Lee Lecture for ACGIH and is an AIHA Fellow and Distinguished Lecturer.