After colonization, China has now taken over Africa by using loans as bait to impress African leaders. Until 2010, the taking of Africa by China was quiet, but everything changed in 2012, when the Beijing Conference took place, since then China has become the new colonial masters in Africa.

Using money as a bait to entice the weak and inefficient African leaders, despite how rich Africa is, China had lent a total of 143 billion dollars to 56 African nations made available mainly by the Export-Import Bank of China and the China Development Bank.

Several African countries have fought long bloody wars from the beginning of the fifteenth century until the early nineteenth century, until independence swept through the continent but without a fight or shed of blood, China is now Africa’s new colonial masters.

It is only now that African countries are beginning to realize how much they are indebted to China and risk losing their hard-won independence.

The fact that they have given loans to African leaders, the corrupt African leaders pretend they are not aware of the illegal activities on the continent by the Chinese government.

Apart from the developmental construction taking place in African countries by the Chinese government, clandestinely, the Chinese are engaged in many illegal activities in the African countries at the same time.

They mined our gold, take our diamonds, and cut down our precious trees and take them to China. The illegal activities of Chinese in Africa have overflowed its banks.

In Ghana, a 46-year-old Chinese woman identified as Helen Hyuan was arrested in Tamale after she was intercepted with large quantities of endangered Rosewoods lumber.

In another development, a Chinese company suspected of illegal logging timber from the African country of Gabon, through the port of Antwerp Belgium for four years, was intercepted by the Antwerp customs.

The freight was a load of tropical hardwood from Gabon, which according to the Belgian custom officials, Padou is a high-quality wood.

Also, an environmental protection group has accused China of being the main player in the illegal logging in the Congo Basin that covers Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.

The important question we can’t ignore is: Why after the loss of lives which can’t be replaced, after slavery, colonialism, and Apartheid, Africa has now assigned China to be our new colonial masters?

In fact, they are doing the same thing the colonial masters did to Africa in a sensible way that they don’t shed blood.

How are we convinced that the continent of Africa will be a better place for the poor innocent people suffering daily without knowing where their next meal will be coming from?

Every illegal activity by the Chinese in Africa affects our countries because they avoid paying tax and payment for the goods taken to China.
